This was taken at the Christmas market on Sunday. Can you tell which city? |
I'm in Germany, where Christmas is celebrated the only possible way: you get presents on Christmas Eve. Then you eat tons of potato salad, play with your presents and go to sleep. The next two days are more food and more play.
So this morning I woke up, looked at my presents, did this wonderful yoga practice right next to our tree, finished reading my latest book and had a ginormous breakfast together with my parents. Christmas has always been a quiet time in our family, where the stress is reduced to a minimum; where anything goes but nothing must; where we consume a ridiculous amount of calories while reading a ridiculous number of book pages and watching at least four or five movies; where we speak to family, and visit our grandmother, and try not to think about anything that usually worries us.
For me, it's time to relax as much as I possibly can and re-charge my batteries before I go back to the big city. It's time to review the past year and prepare for the months ahead. A time to be grateful, and a time to plan.
I hope that whoever reads this has a wonderful couple of days.