Can you believe 2014 is already 12 days old? WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN.
I'm slowly settling into the new year: thinking about the past twelve months, making plans for the next – there's much to do, and I'm just way too good at self-sabotage. So I'm exploring ways to use my days and my time better; observe what works and what doesn't, what times of the day are the best for which kind of work. I even have lots and lots of ideas for blog posts, believe it or not. If only I can get my racing mind to channel them into some halfway coherent texts...
Yesterday I had to be up and on my way to a first-thing-in-the-morning hairdresser's appointment by the time the sun was coming up. So I spent a twenty-minute bus ride admiring the morning light. In books I always read about this golden light of a sunrise or sunset, and that description never does much for me in writing. When you see it, though – it's magical. When I had arrived in town it was way before my appointment time, so I walked around a bit, looking at the buildings, wandering the empty streets no tourist sets foot on before the shops open. And I thought, this is my thing.
So this morning I woke up, checked for clouds, and when I couldn't see any I threw on my jacket and went to greet the sun. I swear, the world was golden. It was beautiful. This light, and the quiet that comes with it – that's why I love mornings and I'm actually glad not many other people bother with it. The mornings belong to the few of us willing to get up early.