Wow, it's February already. I'm kind of surprised it happened so quickly. Then again, not really; I'm getting used to time passing more quickly these days. (I've spoken to so many people who don't have plans for Easter. "Oooh but April is so far away" – it really isn't?! I have plans beyond Easter. It won't sneak up on my like it does every year, not this time.)
January wasn't too bad a month for me. I did a lot of planning, a lot of considering, and yes, a lot of complaining about situations that need to change. I made it through my birthday just fine, and have found myself saying "I'm now getting to an age where..." far more often than is good for anybody. I organised some much needed trips to see friends, and intend to organise even more trips just for myself, because I need to
Which brings me to my biggest enemy, and my challenge for the upcoming weeks: procrastination.
As an INTP I live in my head a lot. I have many interests, and I love making plans, but actually getting stuff done – that's something else. I get distracted easily and find it hard to stick to something if I don't see the immediate benefit of it, which is what procrastination is all about.
I'm thinking about this now because it's Unprocrastination Month over at zenhabits, and because author and cool person Joe Hill only yesterday posted about his two weeks of self-imposed Internet restriction. I really recommend you read that second link, because it's insightful. To me it's also next to impossible, because
a) I don't have a treadmill
b) I spend 8-10 hours a day in an office.
In addition to those 8-10 hours in an office, I also spend 2-3 hours a day commuting. While, during my commute, I get at at least a good deal of reading done, that's about it for "productivity" during the week. In the evening I usually get home and spend the last three hours of the day in a kind of stupor, watching videos or faffing about on tumblr until it's time for bed, because ugh life and work and exhaustion. My treadmill is 15 minutes of yoga (oh shut up; compare my current Plank-to-Cobra transition to what I did a month ago and tell me again how 15 minutes a day don't mean a thing), and limited Internet usage is but a dream, considering I work in media.
This month, all this shall end.
I've got lots to do, and I can't afford spending five days a week doing nothing but work (for other people, not myself) and sleep. Over the course of this month I will post more; I will look at different productivity tools and techniques and see what they do for me, and I will chart my progress, as far as I can share that here. Let's hope there's some insight on the other end of this.
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